August 09, 2020

Living with Faith

SPEAKER: Pastor Khalil Ayoub
Nehemiah 6:15-7:5


Sermons taken from Nehemiah

Sunday, August 9 Service – provided online due to coronavirus social distancing. Scripture is taken from Nehemiah 6:15-7:5. Last week we discussed that change starts with you, and how each one of us must look in the mirror and evaluate how we are falling short.  I hope you were called to action and took time during the week to evaluate your walk with our amazing God. This week in the story, Nehemiah has finally completed the task of building the wall.  Through difficult trials and attacks, he persevered to complete what God had called him to do.  Nehemiah realizes God’s mission for him was not over, and that as long as he had breath, God was calling him to Kingdom work. Nehemiah shows us that often times when we experience success, it’s easy to get comfortable and glide through life. We must remember that even in seasons of spiritual success, our mission still continues. We must fight against complacency, keep pressing into our Lord, protect His work, and never stop moving forward.

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